Source code for etcd3.apis.extra

from collections import namedtuple

import six

from .base import BaseAPI

EtcdVersion = namedtuple('EtcdVersion', ['etcdserver', 'etcdcluster'])

[docs]class ExtraAPI(BaseAPI):
[docs] def version(self): """ get the version of etcdserver and etcdcluster :return: EtcdVersion """ resp = self._get(self._url('/version', prefix=False), headers=self.headers) self._raise_for_status(resp) return EtcdVersion(**resp.json())
[docs] def health(self): """ get the health of etcd-server :return: EtcdVersion """ resp = self._get(self._url('/health', prefix=False), headers=self.headers) self._raise_for_status(resp) return resp.json()['health']
[docs] def metrics_raw(self): # pragma: no cover """ get the raw /metrics text :return: str """ resp = self._get(self._url('/metrics', prefix=False), headers=self.headers) self._raise_for_status(resp) metrics = resp.content if not isinstance(metrics, six.text_type): metrics = six.text_type(metrics, encoding='utf-8') return metrics
[docs] def metrics(self): # pragma: no cover """ get the modelized metrics parsed by prometheus_client """ from prometheus_client.parser import text_string_to_metric_families return text_string_to_metric_families(self.metrics_raw())
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