Source code for etcd3.apis.cluster

from .base import BaseAPI

[docs]class ClusterAPI(BaseAPI):
[docs] def member_add(self, peerURLs): """ MemberAdd adds a member into the cluster. :type peerURLs: list of str :param peerURLs: peerURLs is the list of URLs the added member will use to communicate with the cluster. """ method = '/cluster/member/add' data = { "peerURLs": peerURLs } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def member_list(self): """ MemberList lists all the members in the cluster. """ method = '/cluster/member/list' data = {} return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def member_remove(self, ID): """ MemberRemove removes an existing member from the cluster. :type ID: int :param ID: ID is the member ID of the member to remove. """ method = '/cluster/member/remove' data = { "ID": ID } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def member_update(self, ID, peerURLs): """ MemberUpdate updates the member configuration. :type ID: int :param ID: ID is the member ID of the member to update. :type peerURLs: list of str :param peerURLs: peerURLs is the new list of URLs the member will use to communicate with the cluster. """ method = '/cluster/member/update' data = { "ID": ID, "peerURLs": peerURLs } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
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