Source code for etcd3.apis.auth

from .base import BaseAPI
from ..models import authpbPermissionType
from ..utils import check_param, incr_last_byte

[docs]class AuthAPI(BaseAPI):
[docs] def authenticate(self, name, password): """ Authenticate processes an authenticate request. :type name: str :param name: name of the user :type password: str :param password: password of the user """ method = '/auth/authenticate' data = { "name": name, "password": password } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def auth_disable(self): """ AuthDisable disables authentication. """ method = '/auth/disable' data = {} r = self.call_rpc(method, data=data) self.token = None # clear local token return r
[docs] def auth_enable(self): """ AuthEnable enables authentication. """ method = '/auth/enable' data = {} return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def role_add(self, name): """ RoleAdd adds a new role. :type name: str :param name: name is the name of the role to add to the authentication system. """ method = '/auth/role/add' data = { "name": name } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def role_delete(self, role): """ RoleDelete deletes a specified role. :type role: str :param role: None """ method = '/auth/role/delete' data = { "role": role } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def role_get(self, role): """ RoleGet gets detailed role information. :type role: str :param role: None """ method = '/auth/role/get' data = { "role": role } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] @check_param(at_least_one_of=['key', 'all'], at_most_one_of=['range_end', 'prefix', 'all']) def role_grant_permission(self, name, key=None, permType=authpbPermissionType.READ, range_end=None, prefix=False, all=False): """ RoleGrantPermission grants a permission of a specified key or range to a specified role. :type name: str :param name: name is the name of the role which will be granted the permission. :type key: str or bytes :param key: the key been granted to the role :type perm: dict :param perm: authpbPermissionType.READ or authpbPermissionType.WRITE or authpbPermissionType.READWRITE :type range_end: str or bytes :param range_end: range_end is the upper bound on the requested range [key, range_end). If range_end is '\0', the range is all keys >= key. If range_end is key plus one (e.g., "aa"+1 == "ab", "a\xff"+1 == "b"), then the range request gets all keys prefixed with key. If both key and range_end are '\0', then the range request returns all keys. :type prefix: bool :param prefix: if the key is a prefix [default: False] :type all: bool :param all: all the keys [default: False] """ method = '/auth/role/grant' if all: key = range_end = '\0' if prefix: range_end = incr_last_byte(key) data = { "name": name, "perm": { "permType": permType, "key": key, "range_end": range_end } } data['perm'] = {k: v for k, v in data['perm'].items() if v is not None} return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def role_list(self): """ RoleList gets lists of all roles. """ method = '/auth/role/list' data = {} return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] @check_param(at_least_one_of=['key', 'all'], at_most_one_of=['range_end', 'prefix', 'all']) def role_revoke_permission(self, role, key=None, range_end=None, prefix=False, all=False): """ RoleRevokePermission revokes a key or range permission of a specified role. :type role: str :param role: the name of the role which will get permission revoked. :type key: str or bytes :param key: the key been revoked from the role :type range_end: str or bytes :param range_end: range_end is the upper bound on the requested range [key, range_end). If range_end is '\0', the range is all keys >= key. If range_end is key plus one (e.g., "aa"+1 == "ab", "a\xff"+1 == "b"), then the range request gets all keys prefixed with key. If both key and range_end are '\0', then the range request returns all keys. :type prefix: bool :param prefix: if the key is a prefix [default: False] :type all: bool :param all: all the keys [default: False] """ method = '/auth/role/revoke' if all: key = range_end = '\0' if prefix: range_end = incr_last_byte(key) data = { "role": role, "key": key, "range_end": range_end } data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None} return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def user_add(self, name, password): """ UserAdd adds a new user. :type name: str :param name: name of the user :type password: str :param password: password of the user """ method = '/auth/user/add' data = { "name": name, "password": password } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def user_change_password(self, name, password): """ UserChangePassword changes the password of a specified user. :type name: str :param name: name is the name of the user whose password is being changed. :type password: str :param password: password is the new password for the user. """ method = '/auth/user/changepw' data = { "name": name, "password": password } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def user_delete(self, name): """ UserDelete deletes a specified user. :type name: str :param name: name is the name of the user to delete. """ method = '/auth/user/delete' data = { "name": name } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def user_get(self, name): """ UserGet gets detailed user information. :type name: str :param name: name is the name of the user to get. """ method = '/auth/user/get' data = { "name": name } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def user_grant_role(self, user, role): """ UserGrant grants a role to a specified user. :type user: str :param user: user is the name of the user which should be granted a given role. :type role: str :param role: role is the name of the role to grant to the user. """ method = '/auth/user/grant' data = { "user": user, "role": role } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def user_list(self): """ UserList gets a list of all users. """ method = '/auth/user/list' data = {} return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
[docs] def user_revoke_role(self, name, role): """ UserRevokeRole revokes a role of specified user. :type name: str :param name: username to revoke :type role: str :param role: role name """ method = '/auth/user/revoke' data = { "name": name, "role": role } return self.call_rpc(method, data=data)
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